This is SPARQzone

SPARQzone is a simple, quick and effective approach
that brings you as a participant back to your natural state of "being".
You will come into full contact with yourself, while connected with others on an equal footing.
In a peaceful open place where openness,
trust and safety are central and in which deep connection and change is possible.
A great, natural training location that stimulates the feeling of "open space".
An oasis of peace, that you are happy to return to.
A space in which action does not immediately lead to reaction, but where
there is room for reflection, inspiration, insights, creation and connection.

Cross-border Pioneering Slow down Tranquil Connect Accelerate Renew 

Slow down

Once you are in SPARQzone you are floating in nature and come to complete peace. In that moment of stillness, the ideal situation is created that causes you to come into deep connection with yourself and the others present.  


A connection that is completely in balance. You and your colleagues are then open to deep reflection, inspiration, insights and can also listen with concentration to what is on the mind of others.  


SPARQzone is a unique outdoor "open space" where action does not have to lead immediately to reaction and where all space is created for renewal, transformation and change processes.

Why we do what we do

When people capture the essence of connection in personal and professional ways
experience, they are more resilient, successful, and engaged. And therefore more effective and
happier. We believe in the connecting power of SPARQzone. Time and again we see what it does to
individuals and groups do. We can't get enough of it, to our trainer's hearts, this is the greatest thing there is.

Fascination for nature

If you SPARQzone says, then you say Miriam Willaert. She is the beating heart of SPARQzone (Skogsfloating), with over 30 years of experience as a concept developer and creative trainer/coach. As a visionary, she has very keen perception. When your organization chooses to SPARQzone then you will meet Mirjam in the role of facilitator and/or trainer. She welcomes you with open arms and is there for everyone throughout the process.


Our partners are not only exceptionally good trainers and consultants, they are also experts on SPARQzone. All have logged a lot of "flight hours. Like no other they know how SPARQzone can strengthen a training and how it can be used to empower results. Finding the right expert for your request for help is our specialty!

Mirjam Willaert owner Skogsfloating

Mirjam Willaert

Trainer / facilitator


Andrea Reinders

SPARQzone Professional Trainer / teamcoach

Mary Jane Roy

Corporate advisor, facilitator @ Creating Waves

Ruben Lamboo

Ruben Lamboo

Actieve ontwikkelaar van team en mens @ Lamboost


Riny Moonen

Trainer, Coach, Facilitator, Verbinder @ SoNeStra


Riet Portengen

Directeur en oprichter @ SoNeStra

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

Paula Meijer

Consultant, senior coach en trainer @ Nieuwe Mores


Jo Hendrikx

Strategic Ideator & Business Booster @ Straight Business


Ardy Manders

Ontspanningstrainer / coach @ Het Levensatelier

Natascha_Smits collin

Natascha Smit

Trainer / mental coach @ Jezelfzijn

Want to learn about SPARQzone?

Every two months you can experience SPARQzone experience it yourself and we will answer all your questions during the introduction (2 hours). Especially for those who are active in facilitation and transformation.

Skogsfloating kennismakingssessie

Collaboration with Kapellerput

You will find SPARQzone home base in the woods at Kapellerput, Heeze Netherlands. The peaceful estate is an inspiring place. Both inside and outside is plenty of space for work and relaxation. Every space in and around Kapellerput is decorated with an eye for detail. With nature, people and communication as recurring themes. That is what the combination of SPARQzone and Kapellerput is what makes it so powerful.